Deluxe Floor Bouquet


per hour


for 2 hours


for 3 hours


for 4 hours


for 5 hours


for 6 hours


for 7 hours


for 8 hours


for 9 hours


for 10 hours


for 11 hours


for 12 hours


for 13 hours


for 14 hours


for 15 hours


for 16 hours


per day


per additional hour


per additional day


for 2 days


for 3 days


for 4 days


for 5 days


for 1 week


for 2 weeks


for 3 weeks


for 1 month

item unavailable (change date)

Product Information:

To order please call 208-233-4FUN or visit our store at 215 W Maple St. suite O

The starting price of $59.99 features 2 super numbers and up to 4 letters or numbers displayed on a decorative balloon base. Other balloons such as mylars solid color shapes and helium balloons can be added at additional cost.

Circuits needed:


Item Dimensions:

Space Needed:

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Professional delivery to Pocatello ID and surrounding areas. Please submit a quote or contact us to be sure we service your area.